Prague Christmas Markets 2024 Guide ft. Dates, Practical Tips, Etc.

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Prague is without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, and its beauty shines even brighter during the holiday season when the Prague Christmas Market fills the streets with twinkling lights that sparkle against the backdrop of some of the most stunning architecture in the world.

Truly – Prague at Christmas time is a breathtaking sight not to be missed!

In this Prague Christmas Market guide, we’ll share everything you need to know about experiencing the wonder of the Prague Christmas Market scene for yourself.

NOTE: We last visited this Christmas market in December 2019, so take note that some things may be different this year. We’ve tried to keep this guide as up-to-date as possible, but let us know if you spot anything we should change!

Prague Christmas Markets Video

Want to see the magic of Prague’s Christmas markets in video form? Check out this video on YouTube:

When is Prague Christmas Market?

2024 Dates: Nov 30, 2024 – Jan 6, 2025

  • Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí): Nov 30, 2024 – Jan 6, 2025
  • Wenceslas Square (Václavské náměstí): Nov 30, 2024 – Jan 6, 2025
  • Republic Square (náměstí Republiky): Nov 25 – Dec 24, 2024
  • Tyl’s Square (Tylovo náměstí): TBA
  • Peace Square (náměstí Míru): Nov 20 – Dec 24, 2024
  • Smíchov – pedestrian zone Anděl: TBA

Note: Visit the official Czechia tourism website here

Where to Stay for Prague Christmas Market

In need of a place to stay? Here are some quick recommendations for hotels near Prague Christmas Market:

Where to Find Prague Christmas Market

The Prague Christmas Market scene is divided into a variety of different locations, all varying in sizes and offerings, which can make it a bit confusing to plan ahead.

So to help you get an understanding of the best Christmas markets in Prague, here are our favorites:

Old Town Square Christmas Market

As with any other city hosting festive fairs, the most popular location of the Prague Christmas market can be found in the city’s main square, also known as the historic Old Town Square.

The Old Town Square Christmas market is one of the best Christmas markets in Prague in terms of sights and ambiance.

Surrounded by the city’s most remarkable pieces of architecture, it’s easy to see why this market is one of the most popular ones… but also a super crowded one!

In spite of the fact that this Prague Christmas market consists mostly of food stalls, we would recommend visiting this market for the awe-inspiring views of the central Christmas tree towering over the square and the imposing Týn Cathedral standing in the back and saving your appetite for other Christmas markets in the city with more reasonable prices and fewer crowds.

Don’t you worry, we are getting into those as well!

Náměstí Míru Christmas Market 

For a cozier feel, smaller crowds, and a more local vibe, we recommend you pay a visit to the Náměstí Míru Prague Christmas Market, located in Prague 2.

This beautiful Prague Christmas Market location offers a variety of stalls selling everything from stuffed toys and intricate cookies to spices, and all kinds of items that would make wonderful gifts or souvenirs—unlike most of the “gift shop souvenirs” found in the Old Town Square.

You really get the best of both worlds at this location; a better shopping spot in the Prague Christmas market scene, without having to compromise on the beauty factor, provided by its own festive tree standing tall in the center and a sea of twinkling lights floating on top of your head.

NOTE: This Christmas Market is not far from the city center, however, we think it’s best to take the tram to save you from an uphill battle that will have you sweating inside your winter layers. Trust us, just take the tram.

Náměstí Republiky Christmas Market

Another great alternative to the Town Square Prague Christmas Market is the market located at Republic Square.

This section of the Prague Christmas Market provides a cozy festive atmosphere away from the taxing crowds, while still being conveniently close to the city center.

At the Náměstí Republiky Christmas Market, you will find superior food options to the Old Town Square, higher quality souvenirs, and all that while also having more space to move. It’s a Christmas market win!

Tylovo Náměstí Christmas Market

After wandering around and doing some shopping at Náměstí Míru Christmas Market, it’s time to eat, and for this, you will want to head to Tylovo Náměstí Prague Christmas Market, a very small market that’s nonetheless packed with great food options!

Here you will find a delicious assortment of international dishes, from Russian Pelmeny to mouth-watering crispy Chinese dumplings.

This smaller and less crowded Prague Christmas Market location is the perfect spot to slow down for a bit and have a snack or two, washed down with a cup of festive mulled wine.

Manifesto Christmas Market

If your plan of attack when visiting a Christmas market is to eat as many delicious dishes as possible, then Manifesto Christmas market in Prague is the place for you!

This industrial-chic food market offers a wide range of international cuisines, from Indian to Vietnamese to Mexican, is the promised land for us foodies!

Even though this is a more modern concept of a Christmas Market, the holiday spirit is not lost here, with garlands and baubles hanging from the food stalls, this Prague Christmas market location offers a very unique festive experience.

Stalls in front of the Prague Central Station

This one is not necessarily a recommendation, instead, take as more of a fun note: if you are departing by train, and you just cannot fight that craving for a last sausage or cup of mulled wine, there are some stalls by the Prague Central Train Station ready for you to have one last festive bite before departing on your train.

What to Eat at Prague Christmas Market

All that exploring will surely open your appetite, and what’s the point of a Christmas market if is not to stuff your face in hearty festive treats?

So here is a list of the delicacies offered at the Prague Christmas market that you should try during your visit:

1. Prague Ham (Pražská šunka)

An absolute staple of the Prague Christmas market scene is the famous Pražská šunka, or Prague ham, which you will see provocatively spinning over an open wood fire all throughout the city.

This local delicacy is a must-try when in Prague, but beware of the prices, which are normally listed per 100g and they add up quickly!

So make sure to be very determined when asking for quantities and don’t be shy to ask for a smaller portion if the seller is trying to give you way too much, as delicious as this local dish is, you definitely don’t want to accidentally spend all your budget on ham.

2. Russian Pelmeni (Dumplings)

Yes, as the name may suggest these are not really Czech delicacies, but you will still find them around the Prague Christmas market scene and they are too good not to tell you about it!

These little pockets of joy are filled with beef and served with fried onions and sour cream and top. It’s comfort food perfection!

3. Lángos

We have to confess, we have a soft spot for Lángos.

Our beloved Lángos consists of deep-fried chunks of dough slathered with deliciousness, such as cheese and garlic, and they are just the perfect winter snack!

Lángos is actually a Hungarian dish, but it is very common to find it around the Prague Christmas market scene, so if you spot them do yourself a favor and give them a try!

4. Grilled Sausages

Similar to German Christmas markets, sausages are also an important part of the culinary experience at the Prague Christmas Market scene, you cannot walk two steps without getting a whiff of smoky sausages on the grill.

There are so many different kinds of sausages, all with their unique preparations and seasonings, so make sure to vary your diet by trying different varieties of them while in Prague.

5. Potato Pancakes (Bramboráky)

Bramboráky is basically the Czech cousin of the North American hashbrowns we all know and love.

Variations of these deep-fried potato cakes can be found throughout Europe in different Christmas markets, and Bramboráky is the Czech version of this classic winter snack.

So if you are feeling peckish for something savory but don’t know what, give these little cakes a try.

6. Czech Beer

This might not be the most Christmassy drink out there, but if you made it all the way to the Czech Republic it would be a crime to leave without even trying some of the world-famous Czech beer.

To make it fit in a little bit better with the whole Christmas market mood and not feel like you are just going to a bar; the smoky Prague ham would go great with a glass of Pilsner Urquell.

7. Trdelník

The Trdelník has become a divisive food, some consider it to be just an overpriced dessert since it became trendy, but we think that for a nice sweet treat this is a great option, especially when served with ice cream.

This sweet doughy cone is not originally Czech but it has become a staple at the Prague Christmas market scene through the years, so give it a try and let us know what you think.

8. Pancakes (Palačinky)

Palačinky is the Czech answer to French crêpes; a thin dough that is fried, folded, and filled with different toppings, both sweet and savory depending on your preference, and they make the perfect light snack for eating on the go while wandering around the Prague Christmas market.

9. Eggnog (Vaječný koňak)

Eggnog is a festive drink that is enjoyed around the world, and the Czech Republic is no exception, that is why you will be able to find this sweet drink in a variety of stalls throughout the Prague Christmas market scene.

Eggnog is made—obviously—with eggs, milk, sugar, and nutmeg, and can be made boozy by the addition of brandy, rum, or whiskey to fuel that holiday cheer!

This is actually a German Eierpunsch, but they look very similar

10. Mulled wine (Svařák)

Glühwein in German, Svařák in Czech, and mulled wine in English, whatever you want to call it, this delicious spiced drink is the holiday spirit served in a Christmassy-themed mug!

Visiting the Prague Christmas market scene and not having a piping hot mug of Svařák is just unfathomable, and even more unfathomable is having tried it and not wanting more. It’s just that good!

Mulled wine at a German Christmas market for reference

What to Buy at Prague Christmas Market

After devouring all those tasty festive treats and exploring all the corners of the Prague Christmas market scene is time to do some Christmas shopping.

So here are some ideas of what to buy at the Prague Christmas market to take home as a gift or souvenir:

1. Christmas cookies (Vanocni Cukrovi)

Christmas cookies are a big deal in the Czech Republic, there are hundreds of different variations and recipes, and all they have in common is that preparing them is a festive winter activity a lot of Czech families take on.

A few bags of these homemade cookies would make the perfect gift to share some of the Czech holiday spirit with friends and family back home.

Some of the most popular ones to look out for include: gingerbread cookies (Pernik na Figurky), vanilla crescents (Vanilkove Rohlicky), black-and-white cookies (Linecke Testo Dvoubarevne), Czech susenky Christmas cookies (Vanocni Cukrovi), among others.

Image from silviarita at Pixabay

2. Medovina (Honey Wine)

Medovina is an intoxicatingly sweet boozy beverage that goes down like honey… because it is, it is literally a honey wine—yup, it’s as delicious as it sounds—you can find different varieties of this drink around Europe, but Medovina is Czechia’s own version of it, and something that would make a great gift or souvenir.

After enjoying one or two cups of Medovina at the Prague Christmas market you can also purchase a bottle to take home as a very special gift, to share your new favorite festive drink with your friends back home.

Liquor bottles at a German Christmas market

3. Wooden Toys

What would any European Christmas market be without the adorable handmade wooden toys that populate the festive stalls?

Thankfully the Prague Christmas market scene is no exception, you can find an abundance of adorable intricate wooden toys that would make any tiny human back home very happy, or any normal-sized human since they could also serve as cute seasonal decoration for the home.

4. Puppets/marionettes

Puppet theaters are a very popular form of entertainment in the Czech Republic that dates back a couple of centuries, and you can still see the importance of this kind of show in Czech culture today by the sheer amount of marionettes you encounter while wandering around Prague’s Christmas market scene.

These quirky little friends would make an unconventional—but very cool—souvenir that is very unique to your trip and the location.

Image from Marc Rickertsen at Pixabay

5. Advent Wreath

The advent wreath has its origins in Europe, in Germany to be precise, but it quickly got adopted by the Czech, and that is why you will find an assortment of them on display throughout the Prague Christmas market scene.

An advent wreath is a beautiful green crown with four candles on top that represent every advent Sunday up until Christmas.

They may not be the easiest to pack, but definitely worth the purchase if you have some extra space in your luggage to add a festive Czech touch to next year’s holidays.

Image from Marzena P. at Pixabay

6. Hand-painted Pottery

We love a beautiful and practical gift that can be put to good use year-round, and that is why we vouch for Prague’s Christmas market adorable hand-painted pottery as a perfect gift or souvenir.

As you walk around the city you will come across a few stalls with eye-catching plates and serving ware that had been made and hand-painted locally, there are so many good options the hardest thing will be to stop yourself from buying the whole stall.

…and the packing, but just wrap things properly with your clothes and they should be fine!

Pottery at a German Christmas market

7. Embroidered Lace

The art of lace-making is a traditional local craft in the Czech Republic that dates all the way back to medieval times.

It is still such an important part of their culture that there is even a vocation lace school in the town of Vamberk, a Lace Museum, and the hopes that the Czech bobbin lace will soon become part of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list.

Any item with this beautiful and delicate lace would make a very thoughtful gift for someone back home or a beautiful souvenir for yourself, plus it would be a very light and super easy item to pack!

8. Handmade Ornaments

The holiday cheer doesn’t have to end when your trip ends.

If you want to take a piece of your festive trip back home with you what better way than by acquiring beautiful Czech handmade ornaments that will decorate your house for years to come and remind you of your Christmassy trip abroad.

These also would make a great gift for any Christmas lover in your life or generally craft lover that would appreciate a handmade item.

Extra Tips for Visiting Prague Christmas Market

Some extra information you should consider for your visit to the Prague Christmas market:

Dress warm

Taking in the sights and devouring Prague Christmas market food is all fun and games until you can’t feel your toes anymore.

That’s why is very important for you to dress appropriately for the weather.

You will be standing outside in almost freezing temperatures—which I am aware sounds very dramatic and not fun at all—but with the right clothes, you won’t even notice the temperatures drop.

That’s why we would recommend wearing a proper weather-proof winter jacket, scarf, hat, gloves, and very warm winter shoes, so the only thing you have to worry about is finding the best souvenirs.

Bring cash

The vast majority of stalls at the Prague Christmas market will not accept any type of card payment, so to make your day less stressful plan in advance and take out enough cash for all your food and souvenir purchases.

There truly is nothing worse than being “hangry” and having to look for an ATM all over the city center, so plan accordingly!

No bulky bags or backpacks

Some locations of the Prague Christmas market can get incredibly crowded—as is the case with the Old Town Christmas market—and it can become very annoying very fast to try to move through the crowds with a backpack or any kind of bulky item, so to make your day more enjoyable (and safer), is better to carry a smaller bag and keep it closer to you.

Note: If you plan to do any purchases throughout the day you can just carry a small reusable foldable bag inside your personal bag.

Where to Find More Info on Prague Christmas Market

Official website: Visit Czech Republic

Help us improve this Prague Christmas Market Guide!

Do you have a pro tip about Prague Christmas Market? A particular souvenir you loved, or a delicious treat you tried? Let us know in the comments what your insider tips are for Prague Christmas Market so we can help improve this guide for all future visitors.

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